The Adjust SDK contains helper methods that return device information. Use these methods to add details to your callbacks and improve your reporting.
Adjust device identifier
+ (void)adidWithCompletionHandler:(nonnull ADJAdidGetterBlock)completion;
Adjust generates a unique Adjust Device ID (ADID) for each device. You can return the device’s ADID by calling the [Adjust adidWithCompletionHandler]
method with a completion handler. The SDK fetches the information asynchronously and passes it to your completion handler.
Adjust.adid { adid in // add your completion handler};
[Adjust adidWithCompletionHandler:^(NSString * _Nullable adid) { // add your completion handler}];
ID For Advertisers
+ (void)idfaWithCompletionHandler:(nonnull ADJIdfaGetterBlock)completion;
The IDFA (ID for Advertisers) is a device-specific identifier for Apple devices. You can return the device’s IDFA by calling the [Adjust idfaWithCompletionHandler]
method with a completion handler. The SDK fetches the information asynchronously and passes it to your completion handler.
Adjust.idfa { idfa in // add your completion handler};
[Adjust idfaWithCompletionHandler:^(NSString * _Nullable idfa) { // add your completion handler}];
ID For Vendors
+ (void)idfvWithCompletionHandler:(nonnull ADJIdfvGetterBlock)completion;
The IDFV (ID For Vendors) is a unique identifier for all apps on a single device that are from the same publisher/vendor. You can return the device’s IDFV by calling the [Adjust idfvWithCompletionHandler]
method with a completion handler. The SDK fetches the information asynchronously and passes it to your completion handler.
Adjust.idfv { idfv in // add your completion handler};
[Adjust idfvWithCompletionHandler:^(NSString * _Nullable idfv) { // add your completion handler}];
Adjust SDK version getter
+ (void)sdkVersionWithCompletionHandler:(nonnull ADJSdkVersionGetterBlock)completion;
To read the version of the Adjust SDK, pass a callback function to the [Adjust sdkVersionWithCompletionHandler]
method. The SDK fetches the information asynchronously and passes it to your completion handler.
Adjust.sdkVersion { sdkVersion in // add your completion handler};
[Adjust sdkVersionWithCompletionHandler:^(NSString * _Nullable sdkVersion) { // add your completion handler}];