Use the device API to view device information and clear device history from Adjust for testing purposes.
Forgetting a device is a destructive action. Your account MUST have one of the following user permissions to use the forget device endpoint.
- Admin.
- Editor.
- Custom editor with access to the target app.
The Device API uses Bearer tokens for authentication. You MUST include your Adjust API token in an Authorization
header with each request you make to the Device API.
If your organization has enabled Single Sign-On (SSO), contact your Adjust representative or email for help with finding your API token.
For non-SSO accounts, API tokens are located in a user’s profile. To find your token, follow these steps:
- Select the account (user) icon.
- Select Account settings.
- Select the My profile tab.
- Your API Token is shown with your User Details. Select the copy button to copy the token to your system clipboard.
Reset your Adjust API token
You can reset your Adjust API token at any time. Resetting your token invalidates the old token. If you reset your Adjust API token, you MUST replace your old token anywhere that you’re using it. Requests made with an invalidated token are rejected by Adjust.
To reset your Adjust API token:
- Select the account (user) icon.
- Select Account settings.
- Select the My Profile tab.
- Your API Token is shown with your User details.
- Select Reset API token.
- Enter your account password in the modal that appears and select Reset to reset your API token. A confirmation appears in the top right of the screen.
- Select the copy button next to the API Token to copy the token to your system clipboard.
Inspect a device
Use the Inspect device endpoint to fetch device and link information relating to an app.
The following parameters MUST be added as query parameters.
The alphanumeric token that identifies your app. This MUST be 12 characters long.
The unique advertising ID associated with your device.
The following advertising IDs are available:
: The ID For Advertisers. Only available on iOS devices.gps_adid
: The Google advertising ID. Only available on Android devices using the Google Play Store.android_id
: The Android device ID. Only available on Android devices.fire_adid
: The Amazon Fire advertising ID. Only available on Android devices using the Amazon Fire store.win_adid
: The Windows advertising ID. Only available on Windows devices.
Response format
{ "Adid": "string", "AdvertisingId": "string", "Tracker": "string", "TrackerName": "string", "Environment": "string", "ClickTime": "date-time", "InstallTime": "date-time", "LastSessionTime": "date-time", "LastEventsInfo": { "{event_id}": { "name": "string", "time": "date-time" }, "{event_id}": { "name": "string", "time": "date-time" }, "{event_id}": { "name": "string", "time": "date-time" } }, "LastSdkVersion": "ios4.37.2", "State": "string"}
{ "Adid": "string", "AdvertisingId": "string", "Tracker": "string", "TrackerName": "string", "ClickTime": "date-time", "InstallTime": "date-time", "LastSessionTime": "date-time", "LastEventTimes": { "string": "date-time", "string": "date-time", "string": "date-time", "string": "date-time" }, "State": "string"}
$ curl \--header "Authorization: Bearer ask43jskdp2tg2hg87" \-L -X GET ""
{ "Adid": "acf8534f2f052395e617a38730682ccc", "AdvertisingId": "1234-5678-9012-3456", "Tracker": "abc123", "TrackerName": "Organic", "FirstTracker": "zr5vueb", "FirstTrackerName": "Organic", "Environment": "sandbox", "ClickTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "InstallTime": "2015-08-19T03:42:03Z", "LastSessionTime": "2017-07-29T17:29:17Z", "LastEventsInfo": { "kgfcul": { "name": "Copy IDFA", "time": "2024-07-18T10:01:16Z" }, "wz9qqz": { "name": "Accept Terms", "time": "2024-07-01T14:13:47Z" }, "z3f773": { "name": "Copy IDFV", "time": "2024-07-01T19:01:39Z" } }, "LastSdkVersion": "ios4.37.2", "State": "installed"}
$ curl \--header "Authorization: Bearer ask43jskdp2tg2hg87" \-L -X GET ""
{ "Adid": "acf8534f2f052395e617a38730682ccc", "AdvertisingId": "1234-5678-9012-3456", "Tracker": "abc123", "TrackerName": "Organic", "ClickTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "InstallTime": "2015-08-19T03:42:03Z", "LastSessionTime": "2017-07-29T17:29:17Z", "LastEventTimes": { "a1a1a1": "2017-07-29T17:29:55Z", "b2b2b2": "2017-07-29T17:29:21Z", "c3c3c3": "2017-07-29T17:29:38Z", "4d4d4d": "2017-07-29T17:29:58Z" }, "State": "installed"}
Forget a device
Use the forget device endpoint to clear a device’s information from Adjust’s servers. You can use this to test installs on a device multiple times.
The following parameters MUST be added as request data.
The alphanumeric token that identifies your app. This MUST be 12 characters long.
The device’s unique Adjust Identifier. Use the Inspect device endpoint to find your device’s ADID.
$ curl \--header "Authorization: Token token=ask43jskdp2tg2hg87" \--location --request POST "" \--data "adid=acf8534f2f052395e617a38730682ccc&app_token=gwzpeepw8uf8"
200: Forgot device